Make shopping experiences seamless with our price list maker.

Create a price list to put all your current pricing in one place where your customers can find it easily. Use our price list creator to add some design flair and creativity. We make it easy to share your list on social media and embed it on your website. Transform your static price sheet design to a dynamic product price sheet.

What is a price list?

A price list is a comprehensive list of the current prices of the goods and services your business offers. 

Obviously, the purpose of a price list is to let customers know your prices. But there’s more to it than that. You can create a price list as a piece of marketing content that showcases your competitive prices and exciting deals. 

A digital price list has several advantages over a static price list or a printed one. You can update it in real-time and share it via social media. Our price list maker lets you make your list shoppable with product links right in the text. Now your customers can buy directly from your price list instead of just checking prices! 

You can even create a price list with product images and video to bring your list to life.

Wie man eine Preisliste erstellt:

  1. Lade deine Preisliste als PDF-Dokument hoch (du kannst auch die Dateitypen .doc, .docx oder .ppt hochladen oder deine Dateien direkt aus Dropbox oder Google Drive importieren).

  2. Nutze unsere mobilfreundlichen Vorlagen, damit deine Preisliste auf jedem Gerät gut zu lesen ist.

  3. Vergiss nicht, deine Preisliste mit unserer Einbettungsfunktion auf deiner Webseite einzubinden, damit jeder sie leicht finden kann.

  4. Blättere durch deine neue Preisliste! Mit der Flipbook-Funktion kannst du in deiner Preisliste blättern, wie in einem Katalog. Dadurch wird das Leseerlebnis um eine interaktive Ebene erweitert.


Grab the code and you’re good to go.

With our Embed feature, adding a price list to your website only takes a few minutes, and it requires no technical skills. Simply create a price list and copy and paste the embed code. That’s it! Now your price list is easy for your customers to find. You can even customize it to match the branding and design of your site.

Fullscreen Sharing

Enhance the reading experience.

With fullscreen sharing, your customers can get a distraction-free, fullscreen view of your price list on any device. The pages of your price list are flippable, making the reading experience more like a catalog than an ordinary price list. Fullscreen sharing presents your content the way it was meant to be seen.

Cloud Connect

One, two, click: from the cloud to the web.

With our Cloud Connect feature, you can easily upload your content directly from Dropbox or Google Drive to Issuu. No detour necessary! This is useful for creative teams who need everyone’s input before uploading and publishing. It’s also a helpful way to seamlessly integrate Issuu into your existing workflow. 

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Preisliste: Häufig gestellte Fragen

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