Digital textbooks ensure that your lesson plans are never outdated.

Interactive textbooks make learning fun and transform the way students learn and teachers instruct by digitally incorporating multiple learning styles. Start publishing your own online digital textbook on Issuu's one-step platform to empower your students with a constant influx of information in a dynamic and enjoyable way.

What is a digital textbook?

Digital interactive textbooks are the answer to keeping your lesson plans current and updated with the latest information and discoveries. Digital textbooks are revolutionary, not simply because they can be updated with the latest information, but because they eliminate the need of lugging a heavy bag of books everywhere! Digital textbooks save trees and eliminate the cost of printing a physical book.

When you create a digital textbook, you are streamlining the process of not only teaching, but learning as well. With digital textbooks, students can read and learn from any device, and digital interactive textbooks are as versatile as they are engaging.

Digital textbooks empower educators to tailor fit the books to suit visual learners through embedded video, and those who prefer text with external links. Enable the Fullscreen feature so the entire reading experience becomes dynamic and immersive making your syllabus truly come alive!

Wie du ein digitales Lehrbuch erstellst:

  1. Wenn du ein Lehrbuch online erstellst, musst du es zunächst als PDF hochladen. (Du kannst auch die Dateitypen .doc, .docx oder .ppt hochladen oder deine Dateien direkt aus Dropbox oder Google Drive importieren).

  2. Füge Videos ein, damit die Schüler/innen die Informationen schneller aufnehmen und länger behalten können. Digitale interaktive Lehrbücher eignen sich für alle Lernstile und unterstützen die Stärken deiner Schüler/innen.

  3. Füge Links ein, damit die Schüler/innen tiefer in die Materie eindringen und die Lektionen aus erster Hand erfahren können.

  4. Veröffentliche und versende dein Lehrbuch über Issuu, um es leichter zugänglich zu machen. Das Buch kann auf jedem Gerät gespeichert und abgerufen werden.

  5. Teile es in deinem Netzwerk mit Issuu's Social-Sharing-Funktionen.

Cloud Connect

Organize all your content in the cloud.

Our cloud integration makes it simple and easy to organize all the content you need to source for your digital interactive textbooks. Issuu integrates with Google Drive and Dropbox, allowing you to upload the material you need to create a digital textbook. One of the most useful things about this feature is that you can add your peers to the cloud folder and work in collaboration to source content.


Enhance the learning experience with video lessons. 

Adding videos boosts engagement. And in the classroom, engagement means learning! You can create an online textbook full of multimedia lessons with a video segment in just a few clicks. This is an exciting way to engage visual learners and help students connect with the material on a deeper level. Videos also make learning more fun! Everyone remembers how much they enjoyed watching movies in class, and now you can bring video content to the textbook as well.

Add Links

Don’t just list your sources. Link to them. 

Adding links is a learning game-changer. Links connect the material to a broader context and allow you to direct students to relevant articles and content from your digital interactive textbook. By including hyperlinks when you cite your sources, you can encourage students to dive deeper into the subject and do some non-required reading. It’s also a good way to include background information that might not otherwise fit in the text–simply link to additional material.

Sieh dir an, wie andere mit ihren virtuellen Lernenden umgehen:

Digitales Lehrbuch: Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • You use a digital textbook the same way you would a printed textbook: as a source of information and concepts you’re going to cover in your class. The feature that sets digital textbooks apart is efficiency. In the classroom, that means you can create a digital textbook that only covers the material you’ll teach in class. Instead of having to buy an entire textbook just to get the two or three chapters you'll be covering in your class, students can access a more limited digital version that better focuses on what they’ll be learning.

  • Digital textbooks work the same way printed textbooks do, but they’re feature-packed and so much more convenient. You can make yours available to students online and use our digital sales feature to sell copies. Digital interactive textbooks include flippable pages and fullscreen mode to replicate the reading experience of a real book.

  • We’ve talked about how digital textbooks include valuable features like embedded videos and hyperlinks. But one of the most exciting advantages of a digital textbook is that you can update the content. When you create your own online textbook with Issuu, you can make changes and updates at any time. This lets you keep the material current and accurate without having to print a new edition. Digital textbooks are also more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than printed ones. And they’re not so heavy to lug around - your students’ backs will thank you for making the switch to digital!

Explore features to elevate your content

With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

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