Use our employee handbook creator to get everyone on the same page.

Set expectations, communicate values, and prepare your team with everything they need to know to thrive in the work environment. Creating an employee handbook is easy with Issuu: simply upload, customize, publish, update, and distribute your employee handbook in a single workflow.

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook contains everything someone needs to know to join your team. It lays out heavy but important info like rules, legal obligations, and responsibilities. It also contains guides to company culture, history, vision, and values. 

Most importantly, creating an employee handbook clears up any ambiguity about what’s expected of employees and what they can expect working at your company to be like. 

You also want to be sure that the handbook is engaging enough that employees will actually read it and get the info they need. Fortunately, when you create an employee handbook online you have a multitude of tools at your disposal to make your employee handbook an immersive experience.

Our employee handbook builder helps you add links and multimedia content to go beyond an ordinary, dull handbook. When you create an employee handbook online you craft a guide for your team that’s engaging and captures the essence of what makes your business unique.

So erstellst du ein Personalhandbuch:

  1. Öffne den Personalhandbuch-Ersteller und lade dein Personalhandbuch als PDF-Dokument hoch (du kannst auch die Dateitypen .doc, .docx oder .ppt hochladen oder deine Dateien direkt aus Dropbox oder Google Drive importieren).

  2. Erwecke es zum Leben! Der Personalhandbuch-Ersteller hat eine Flipbook-Funktion, die das Durchblättern des Dokuments mit blätterbaren Seiten erleichtert.

  3. Mach es zu einem interaktiven Erlebnis! Erstelle ein Personalhandbuch online und füge Links, Grafiken und Videos hinzu. Biete deinen Mitarbeiter/innen mit unserem Vollbild-Tool ein beeindruckendes Leseerlebnis.

  4. Binde dein neu erstelltes Personalhandbuch in deine Webseite ein, damit es für alle deine Mitarbeiter/innen leicht zugänglich ist. Wir ermöglichen es dir, ein Personalhandbuch zu erstellen, das ansprechend ist, geteilt werden kann und leicht zu aktualisieren ist.

Fullscreen Sharing

Creating an employee handbook online gives you immersive options.

The sharing and reading of your employee handbook should create a solid bond between you and your employees. With our Fullscreen feature, you can give them the distraction-free reading experience they deserve! The Fullscreen feature automatically turns your employee handbook into a flippable web page. Plus, you can customize the Issuu flipbook reader with your logo and brand’s style.


Enhance your website by adding your newest content.

Your employee handbook needs to have a designated spot on your website. When you utilize the Embed feature in our employee handbook builder, you’ll need no technical skills to embed your newly created handbook into your website. Simply upload your content, copy and paste the embed code, and add it to your website. Done and done! The Embed feature is compatible with almost any major website builder, and you can always customize your handbook reader by including your logo or changing the color, so it blends in perfectly with the style of your website.

Add Links

Embed interaction and connection.

Your employee handbook helps create a healthy work environment and establishes a special bond. So, make it a moment of interaction! With our Links feature, you can add videos and interactive links so your readers can engage with you and your content. Let them embark on a journey. Make them feel welcomed and part of your organization. Our employee handbook maker has you covered from draft to distribution.

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Personalhandbuch: Häufig gestellte Fragen

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With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

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