Create digital newsletters with interactive features

Utilize the power of a dynamic newsletter to boost engagement and keep readers up-to-date about your latest news and updates. With our newsletter maker you can easily customize it with on-brand colors, images, and logos and share it in just a few clicks.

What is a Newsletter?

A newsletter is a tool used to communicate news about recent and ongoing activities of your business. It’s a place for recaps, content, updates, special offers, and more. A newsletter is a way to nurture your customers and build a community around your brand. 

One key advantage of a newsletter over other marketing content is that it puts your content right in your audience’s inboxes. Newsletter subscribers are often your most loyal customers since they’ve asked to hear from you directly through the same channel they use for personal messages. 

Creating a newsletter is easy with a newsletter maker. You can focus on delivering a dynamic reading experience and hitting your content goals without having to worry about the ins and outs of formatting.

Wie man einen Online-Newsletter erstellt:

Unser Newsletter-Designer hilft dir, deinen statischen Inhalt in einen spannenden Artikel zu verwandeln.

  1. Lade deinen Newsletter als PDF hoch (du kannst auch die Dateitypen .doc, .docx oder .ppt hochladen oder deine Dateien direkt aus Dropbox oder Google Drive importieren). Alles, was du für den Anfang brauchst, ist ein Dokument.

  2. Erhalte den klassischen Newsletter-Charakter mit unserer Flipbook-Funktion. Mit unserem kostenlosen Newsletter-Designer erhältst du einen digitalen Newsletter in einem ansprechenden Flipbook-Format. Mit der Flipbook-Funktion können deine Abonnenten virtuell durch den Newsletter blättern.

  3. Verbessere das Newsletter-Erlebnis mit Videos und interaktiven Links. Dynamische Inhalte werten das Leseerlebnis erheblich auf und machen den Text interaktiv und verknüpft.

  4. Durch Einbetten erreichst du ein größeres Publikum. Indem du deinen Newsletter auf deiner Webseite einbettest, machst du ihn für alle Besucher/innen zugänglich; Nicht nur für Abonnenten. Das kann eine Möglichkeit sein, Anmeldungen zu fördern, indem du zeigst, worum es in deinem Newsletter geht. Mit der Einbettungsfunktion ist das kinderleicht. Kopiere einfach den Code und los geht's.


Animate your content

You can use the GIF tool to create a GIF preview of your newsletter flipbook to show readers what’s inside and showcase the flipbook functionality. A GIF is an instant attention-grabber and a fun way to give a peek inside your newsletter to someone who hasn’t opened it yet.

Add Links

Engage your audience

Links are a key ingredient to any great newsletter. You can use links to direct readers to your content; highlight your latest blog posts, company updates, news bulletins, or other useful content. You can even sell your products directly in your newsletter with shoppable links.


Enhance your brand voice

Video is the ultimate visual engagement tool. And with a little creativity, the possibilities are endless. Try how-tos, unboxing videos, and include order follow-up explainers to help customers get the most out of their purchases and reduce return rates.

Sieh dir an, wie andere Issuu-Nutzer ihre Newsletter gestalten:

Digitaler Newsletter: Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • This is super easy with our templates, available to anyone with an account. You can also use your favorite design systems and upload your document directly to Issuu. A couple of things to keep in mind when you’re designing your newsletter: Have a great headline. Grab readers’ attention and give them a reason to stop and check out your newsletter.  Use great visuals. Our newsletter maker makes it easy to add links and videos.  Make your subscribers happy. Fill your newsletter with exciting extras people will have to subscribe to get.

  • A newsletter is a powerful and direct content marketing tool. It allows you to reach your customers right in their inboxes. It’s also a great source of data. You can use Issuu Statistics to track impressions, read time, clicks, and other vital stats.

  • Your newsletter is totally customizable to what works best for your purpose and audience. Some common tactics are: Sales, promotions, and exclusives. Discounts are a great way to incentivize newsletter signups. They’re also a great way to drive opens and click-throughs. Think of your subscribers as a VIP club of your most loyal customers.  Updates and news about your business. One thing you might want to put in your newsletter is… news. A newsletter is an excellent opportunity to update your customers on the latest goings-on.  New products, upsells, cross-sells. One exciting way to use your newsletter generator is to craft product launch announcements. This can also be a good way to reward your subscribers for their loyalty by letting them be the first to know about new products and add-ons for previous purchases.  Keep it personalized. Make it about your customers and their relationship with your brand. Focus on building a connection. Get creative! Deliver more than just updates and offers. Really bring your subscribers into your world and tell your story.

  • There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for newsletter success, but you can’t go wrong with great content. Focus on the reading experience and use our newsletter creator to fill out your newsletter with valuable content, links, and videos.

  • This is the hard part. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.  Have a clear call to action (CTA). If you want people to sign up, you have to ask them to. It could be as simple as some copy that says “Signup to our newsletter and get 10% off your next order!” CTA buttons help a lot. Include a big button on your signup form or popup with your CTA text on it.  Include a signup incentive. Offer a discount or free shipping in exchange for signups. Make this a part of your CTA like the example above.  Improve your traffic. If you’ve got a strong CTA and an exciting signup incentive, all you need is traffic.

Explore features to elevate your content

With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

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