Wecke das Interesse an deinen Veranstaltungen mit den interaktiven Veranstaltungsmaterialien von Issuu

Enhance your event program designs and marketing campaigns with Issuu's all-in-one platform. Make data-driven decisions to increase reader engagement and amplify the success of your event materials.

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Verwandle dein Eventmarketing in multimediale Erlebnisse

Nutze vorhandene Inhalte, um mit Social Posts mundgerechte Beiträge für deine Social Media Kanäle zu erstellen.

Wenn du fertig bist, lädst du einfach deinen neuen Beitrag unter und teilst ihn auf deiner Facebook-Seite, in deiner Instagram-Story, auf Twitter oder überall dort, wo deine Zielgruppe zu finden ist. Unsere Funktion zum Hinzufügen von Links fördert das Engagement und hilft dir, die Einladungen zu verfolgen.

Durch die direkte Einbettung in deine Webseite können Besucher deine interaktive Publikation durchblättern, ohne deine Webseite verlassen zu müssen.

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Ein Veranstaltungsprogramm mit Issuu erstellen

Veranstaltungsprogramm: Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • The most basic reason why you need an event program is so attendees know what’s going on. You use a program to list all the info attendees need to know to get the most out of your event. This includes the schedule and location of all the activities, as well as tips for how to get the most out of the event. It’s also a great place to acknowledge (and link to) sponsors, partners, and anyone else who helped make the event possible.

  • When you use our free online event program maker, there are a few things you want to include in your digital event program. We recommend always including the name and address of the venue, a welcome statement, a seating chart and venue map, a program title page with the name of the event, a timeline of events (including breaks and intermissions), and a dedicated sponsor page to spotlight your supporters.

  • When you create an event program online, you have countless options. Be sure to include photos and videos to complete the experience. Be as succinct as possible and try not to overwhelm the pages in text. The most important information should be in bold so it can be seen clearly and at a glance in low-light situations. Always try to design your digital event program with your guests' wants and needs in mind while still communicating your story effectively.

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