Illustration of a cell phone and a coffee mug

The Democratization of Technology & Design: Giving Creators and Marketers the Tools to Succeed

Feb 1st, 2023 by Kendal Rodgers

There’s an endless stream of buzzwords and phrases that fly around in the business world. Perhaps none is quite so pervasive as the democratization of technology these days. This seismic shift in the way people work and the tools they use to accomplish their jobs is impacting nearly every department in all industries across the globe. No wonder everyone is talking about it.

It’s time to unpack what the phrase really means, why this trend is here to stay, and how it extends into the design and content marketing world. We’ll also highlight the self-service tools that make creating, publishing, and sharing easier than ever via a seamless workflow, enabling enterprise marketers and solopreneurs alike to transform a single piece of content into a library of powerful assets with real ROI (yes, it’s possible). Ready to discover how? Let’s go. 🚀